The 6 Components of Compelling Content

The Six Characteristics of Compelling Brand Content There have been numerous ideas and campaigns that have followed the brand evangelism model to great success, and they all carried some or all of the six characteristics of compelling brand content. These ideas and campaigns are the measuring stick we can use to gauge whether the ideas we are generating have the potential to incite brand evangelism. Not every idea we generate needs to carry each of the following six characteristics, but the more characteristics an idea possesses, the better chance it has at inciting evangelism. Number One:...

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Branding 101

Understanding Branding Marketing is the process of building a relationship with a consumer . And one of the core pieces of relationship building is solidifying trust. Just like in any other relationship, we build trust through communicating and connecting. Your brand is the story behind the product that you sell , and at the end of the day a consumer is buying the experience of using your product. Building a Brand and Developing a Story We start our brand's storytelling from a place of promise: brand promise . Take some time to define what your brand promise is about. FedEx's promise is that...

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Building a Healthy Email Subscription List

Managing a successful email marketing program can seem daunting at first, so it may be helpful to remember that marketing is about creating and sustaining relationships . The tips and tricks we all use to manage the interpersonal relationships in our lives can also be applied to how we think about and administer our email marketing measures as well. Thinking about your email list subscribers as individual relationships will help you foster connection , instead of just focusing on a bottom line. 1. Take time to understand what they’re looking for. Misunderstandings happen in relationships,...

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